Meet your teacher, Cesar, a passionate photographer with a diverse background in business and creative pursuits with a vast experience leading and fostering thriving communities. Cesar is not just a photographer, but also an educator. He has been teaching for over 20 years, making complex concepts easy and fun to learn. His unique teaching style is influenced by his background in business management and his commitment to the Bushido and Buddhist concepts of presence, dedication, and enjoyment in every task. Cesar's playful and engaging approach makes learning photography fun and accessible. He combines his technical expertise with a passion for storytelling to help students demystify the technical jargon, focus on what is important for each student and allow a customized path for you to achieve YOUR goals. Beyond teaching, Cesar is: • A portrait and event photographer with years of experience in Zurich. • A seasoned entrepreneur with a background in business management and marketing. • A dedicated and supportive mentor who believes in the power of community learning. More than just a course, you are enrolling in a thriving and supportive community and are invited to join our photography groups to participate in monthly photo walks, workshops, photo critiques, portfolio reviews, and travel together. We support each other’s projects and learn together in a fun and light-hearted way. Join Cesar on this exciting journey to capture the beauty of the world through the lens. With Cesar, you’re not just learning photography; you’re embracing a new way of seeing the world.

iPad 3 quase saindo do forno?

Os rumores do mercado (várias fontes diferentes, como iMore, All Things Digital, MacRumors e até o Portal Exame) apontam que que o iPad 3 estaria quase chegando. Segundo as últimas, pode-se esperar um lançamento para os primeiros dias de março. O pessoal das coincidências astrológicas especula que como o iPad foi lançado em uma quarta-feira,…

Prêmio Wedding Brasil de Fotografia 2012

Estão abertas as inscrições para a edição 2012 do concurso Wedding Brasil de Fotografia. As inscrições gratuitas poderão ser feitas no site oficial e vão até o dia 29 de fevereiro de 2012. Cada fotógrafo pode participar com uma galeria de até 10 fotos de um único casamento.  Haverá votação popular a partir de março, para a…

Mostra fotográfica discute Semana de Arte Moderna

Para homenagear os 90 anos de um dos eventos culturais mais importantes do Brasil, a Semana de Arte Moderna, realizada em 1922, a Galeria Theodoro Braga (PA) recebe a exposição “100 menos 10”.  Participam da mostra os fotógrafos Alan Soares, Alberto Bitar, Elza Lima, Emídio Contente, Fatinha Silva, Flavya Mutran, Ionaldo Rodrigues, Luciana Magno, Michel Pinho,…