The (boring but necessary) rules:

  1. Share a photo you’ve taken related to the theme until the end of each CHallenge.
    1. Justify with a comment on why that photo expresses the theme to you.
    2. If you do not want to have a critique to your photo please start the name of the photo with the initials NC
    3. You can share any kind of image, photos, illustration as long as you are the rightful copyright owner.
    4. Please keep the content “family-friendly”.
    5. By submitting your photos to the contest you retain the full copyright but agree to assign without any compensation the image rights to CHaya Photo to show the images at the online meeting and to portray the images on the website for an unlimited time.
  2. Vote for the best photos using the online gallery
    1. Anyone can vote and comment on all the photos.
  3. The winner(s) will be selected according to each CHallenge’s rules.
    1. If no decision can be reached Cesar will have the final vote.
    2. Once the selection of the winner(s) is made that decision is final.
  4. Participate in a live event to know/select the winners and chat about photography
    1. The virtual meeting will take place using Zoom or any other tool that allows virtual conferencing.
    2. If by any technical or health issues the online meeting is not possible the decision will still be valid and posted on the blog.
  5. Eligibility – To be eligible the participant need to:
    1. Follow and CHaya.portraits on Instagram
    2. Like CHaya on Facebook
    3. Failing to comply with items 5.1 and 5.2 will invalidate the participation and void any prizes.
  6. The Prizes – IF THEY ARE OFFERED – are credits to be used to purchase any services or products offered by CHaya Photo, such as but not limited to studio rental, photo session, studio portraits, all courses, personal photographer, wedding photos, event photos, personal shopper, camera and all other workshops.
    1. No prize will be changed during one contest.
    2. Prizes may change at any time without previous communication.
    3. The prizes cannot be converted to cash/money/deposit.
    4. All credits are valid for up to 6 months after the restrictions from the pandemic are lifted. No extension of this time will be possible.
    5. The prizes can be collected anytime if they are remote/virtual or after the pandemic restrictions are over.